
Passionate about creating the best visuals for you

Started photography in the 1990’s and evolved into the digital age with video work. Based in The Netherlands and having worked all over the globe, we can work together to bring your ideas to life.

A bit of history

As a lifelong industrial rope access climber I am certified to work offshore.
As an athlete in multiple extreme sports disciplines I know movement and how to capture it. I learned the first photography skills in Patricia Steur’s studio as a kid in the analog film days. Worked with Paul de Graaff where I got familiar with a more fashion and advertising oriented work. We went and traveled the globe from the UK to Australia and a few countries in between. I spent hours in the dark room seeing images come to life. Beautiful!

After that I ventured out on my own, started a drone company when drones were big and full manual, became an IRATA L3 with a bunch of other industrial work papers and bounced back and forth the two disciplines for the better part of 20 years.

Lately I have been doing all the media for Strongfit, photo, video and socials and I am having a blast combining all the things I love. Creating visuals, climbing, coaching and training.